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Booking Information

Before you contact us for a booking, please see our Calendar, to see if the date you require is available.

Terms and Conditions of hire can be found here.

Please find below the Covid Advice note and the Hall Risk Assessment

Covid Advice Note.pdf           Risk Assessment.pdf



Booking secretary:-


Hire of the hall includes the main hall and the kitchen, and is available for hire by residents, non residents and businesses.                    (Bar hire is NOT included, but can be booked at an extra cost, see here for details)

The rates for hire are: 

Residents £15.00 per hour up to 4 hours and £75 per day

Non Residents £20 per hour or £100 per day.


To hire the lounge, please enquire for prices.

Copyright of Begbroke Village Hall 2024

 Charity Number: 304264

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