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Begbroke Social Club          


Upcoming events

5th May - Village Picnic and Fun Day from 2pm with a disco in the evening

    25th May - FA Cup Final on the big screen from 2pm


Family nights

On the third Friday of the month, the bar will open at 6pm to encourage the younger families in the community

to come along with their children to socialise with likeminded others.

This is proving to be a very popular event, so come along and meet new friends!


Open to ALL residents of Begbroke. (Membership fee applies)

We try to open every Friday evening at approximately 8.00 pm, depending on whether there are bar staff available.

Pop in for a drink and chat in a friendly and sociable environment.

The Social Club Committee have been running some great social events including:                                     

       Quiz Nights, Race Nights, Bingo and Family Nights to name a few.


If you have any more suggestions, please come along to the Club on a Friday evening and let us know, or speak to one of the Social Club committee.

Visit our facebook page here



Committee members.

Bruce Cummings          Foxglove Road              (Chairman)

George Thomas            Begbroke Crescent       (Treasurer)

Norma Brooks               

Debbie Thomas             Begbroke Crescent

Annabelle Cummings    Foxglove Road

Mike Hopcraft                Begbroke Crescent

Barclay Jeffreys             Begbroke Crescent

Dulcie Canham             Begbroke Crescent

Lizzie Collett                 Begbroke Crescent

Copyright of Begbroke Village Hall 2024

 Charity Number: 304264

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