Begbroke Village Hall
3 Begbroke Lane
Bookings email:- begbrokevillagehall@yahoo.com
Booking Information
We now have an online booking system, please use the link at the bottom of the page and follow all of the instructions.
We have also changed our entry system to the hall. We are using a code system, no need for a key. (This may be an issue for visually impared users, please contact us for assistance). Instructions will be given during the booking process.
Terms and Conditions of hire can also be found on this page.
If you require more information, please contact our Booking secretary:- begbrokevillagehall@yahoo.com
Hire of the hall includes the main hall and the kitchen, and is available for hire by residents, non residents and businesses. (Bar hire is NOT included, but can be booked at an extra cost, all of which is accessible through the booking system.)
The rates for hire are:
Residents £15.00 per hour up to 4 hours and £75 per day
Non Residents £20 per hour or £100 per day.
To hire the lounge, please enquire for prices.
Please go HERE for the new booking system.